On the Craft of Writing
“My ‘method’ of learning how to be a poet is to study how poems are made in poems very unlike my own, which I love and appreciate but have no clue how to emulate directly. Study your opposites, whom you love for whatever reason.”
Read the interview in The Kenyon Review Online.
“I don’t want to be pigeonholed as a narrative poet — not that that’s a bad thing. I don’t think the lyric poets envy the narrative poets, but the narrative poets do envy the lyric poets. I think my blend of lyric and narrative has to do with my earlier point about stylizing. I developed a style that foregrounds all the elements.”
Read the interview in The Sycamore Review.
“I am a student not only of anxiety but of how to break it up, interrupt it. I use surprise (e.g., abrupt changes in syntax — sudden stops, pivots, exclamations, etc.), disparate associations, sudden switches in subject matter, humor (which can be a part of the preceding), the lyric moment and/or epiphany (I hesitate to use that word), and so on. Anxiety does fuel my writing, but so does the earnest desire to not let it get a stranglehold on my work or my life.”
A review of Dana Roeser’s All Transparent Things Need Thundershirts by Amanda Auerbach - Green Mountains Review
Short-form Shout Out: All Transparent Things Need Thundershirts, review by Jami Macarty - The Maynard
The Unsubordinated Self: a Review of Dana Roeser’s All Transparent Things Need Thundershirts by Hannah VanderHart - Poetry International
All Transparent Things Need Thundershirts, reviewed by Joseph Hutchison - Pedestal Magazine
All Transparent Things Need Thundershirts, reviewed by Juliana Converse - Heavy Feather Review
Gentle, Constant Pressure: A Review of All Transparent Things Need Thundershirts by Risa Denenberg - The Adroit Journal
All Transparent Things Need Thundershirts, review by Lisa Grgas - The Literary Review
All Transparent Things Need Thundershirts, review by Karin Falcone Krieger - The Laurel Review
Review of The Theme of Tonight’s Party Has Been Changed, named one of “Thirty Amazing Poetry Titles for Spring 2014”- Library Journal
Review of In the Truth Room by Catherine MacDonald - Blackbird
“Still, My Basic Instinct Is to Run”: A Conversation Between Elizabeth A.I. Powell and Dana Roeser - Vol.1 Brooklyn
“Discovering the shape of the book as it emerges”: A Conversation with Dana Roeser - The Kenyon Review
The Theme of Tonight’s Party Has Been Changed reading - New Ohio Review
Interview with Donald Illich - Verdad
Joe Milford Hosts Dana Roeser! – Blog Talk Radio
“Honeycrisp” poem, audio, and author commentary - Notre Dame Review
Mystery Tending: A Conversation with Dana Roeser – Sycamore Review