Dana Roeser

Dana Roeser’s fifth book, I Wake to a Life in Which the Beds Keep Moving, is winner of the Sexton Prize at the Black Spring Press Group (of Eyewear, London, UK) and is forthcoming in late 2025. Her fourth book, All Transparent Things Need Thundershirts, won the Wilder Prize at Two Sylvias Press and was published in September 2019. She is the author of The Theme of Tonight’s Party Has Been Changed, recipient of the Juniper Prize, as well as Beautiful Motion and In the Truth Room, both winners of the Samuel French Morse Poetry Prize. Among her many awards and honors are the Great Lakes Colleges Association New Writers Award, the Jenny McKean Moore Writer-in-Washington Fellowship, a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship, a Pushcart Prize, and numerous residencies in the U.S. and abroad. She teaches in the MFA program in poetry at Butler University and has also been a visiting writer in the MFA programs at Purdue and Wichita State universities.

Her poems have appeared, or are forthcoming, in The Glacier, DIAGRAM, Mississippi Review, Guesthouse, Poetry, Poem-a-Day, North American Review, Southern Review, Harvard Review, Green Mountains Review, Crazyhorse, Laurel Review, Seneca Review, Southern Humanities Review, Denver Quarterly, The Iowa Review, Prairie Schooner, Southwest Review, Pleiades, Alaska Quarterly Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, Notre Dame Review, New Ohio Review, Barrow Street, The Florida Review, Poetry Daily, Verse Daily, and elsewhere.

Photo credit: Stephanie Schmitz